Ant Design pro 路由权限管理源码分析
Ant Design pro 路由权限管理源码分析
最近在使用 Ant Design pro 搭建一套管理系统 moe_front,后端使用 moe_back 实现 Restful Api 以及 RBAC 权限管理。
由于是第一次使用 Ant Design pro,对这套解决方案的实现很感兴趣。所以写下这篇分析,记录下看源码的思路。
- “react”: “^16.14.0”
- “dva”: “^2.6.0-beta.21”
- “antd”: “^4.7.3”
- “@ant-design/pro-layout”: “^5.0.19”
- “@ant-design/pro-table”: “^2.9.12”
- “umi”: “^2.13.15”
// path src/layouts/BasicLayout.tsx
import Authorized from '@/utils/Authorized';
const menuDataRender = (menuList: MenuDataItem[]): MenuDataItem[] => => {
console.log('menuListItem: ', item)
const localItem = { ...item, children: item.children ? menuDataRender(item.children) : [] };
console.log('localItem: ', localItem)
return Authorized.check(item.authority, localItem, null) as MenuDataItem;
可以看到在 BasicLayout.tsx
组件下引入了一个 Authorized
模块,并调用了该模块的 check
方法, 对 menuList
默认加载的路由数据为 config.tx
中的 routes
获取 authority
根据 config.tx
中 routes
的数据结构,我们可以看出 Ant Design pro 是根据路由中的 authority
import RenderAuthorize from '@/components/Authorized';
import { getAuthority } from './authority';
let Authorized = RenderAuthorize(getAuthority());
// Reload the rights component
const reloadAuthorized = (): void => {
Authorized = RenderAuthorize(getAuthority());
* hard code
* block need it。
window.reloadAuthorized = reloadAuthorized;
export { reloadAuthorized };
export default Authorized;
let CURRENT: string | string[] = 'NULL';
type CurrentAuthorityType = string | string[] | (() => typeof CURRENT);
* use authority or getAuthority
* @param {string|()=>String} currentAuthority
const renderAuthorize = <T>(Authorized: T): ((currentAuthority: CurrentAuthorityType) => T) => (
currentAuthority: CurrentAuthorityType,
): T => {
if (currentAuthority) {
if (typeof currentAuthority === 'function') {
CURRENT = currentAuthority();
if ( === '[object String]' ||
) {
CURRENT = currentAuthority as string[];
} else {
return Authorized;
export { CURRENT };
export default <T>(Authorized: T) => renderAuthorize<T>(Authorized);
可以看出 Authorized
会将 getAuthority()
作为参数, 从 localStorage
中获取 authority
的值。然后执行 RenderAuthorize
对 currentAuthority
function check<T, K>(authority: IAuthorityType, target: T, Exception: K): T | K | React.ReactNode {
return checkPermissions<T, K>(authority, CURRENT, target, Exception);
import React from 'react';
import { CURRENT } from './renderAuthorize';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-cycle
import PromiseRender from './PromiseRender';
export type IAuthorityType =
| undefined
| string
| string[]
| Promise<boolean>
| ((currentAuthority: string | string[]) => IAuthorityType);
* 通用权限检查方法
* Common check permissions method
* @param { 权限判定 | Permission judgment } authority
* @param { 你的权限 | Your permission description } currentAuthority
* @param { 通过的组件 | Passing components } target
* @param { 未通过的组件 | no pass components } Exception
const checkPermissions = <T, K>(
authority: IAuthorityType,
currentAuthority: string | string[],
target: T,
Exception: K,
): T | K | React.ReactNode => {
// 没有判定权限.默认查看所有
// Retirement authority, return target;
if (!authority) {
console.log('no authority')
console.log('target: ', target)
return target;
// 数组处理
if (Array.isArray(authority)) {
if (Array.isArray(currentAuthority)) {
if (currentAuthority.some(item => authority.includes(item))) {
return target;
} else if (authority.includes(currentAuthority)) {
return target;
return Exception;
// string 处理
if (typeof authority === 'string') {
if (Array.isArray(currentAuthority)) {
if (currentAuthority.some(item => authority === item)) {
return target;
} else if (authority === currentAuthority) {
return target;
return Exception;
// Promise 处理
if (authority instanceof Promise) {
return <PromiseRender<T, K> ok={target} error={Exception} promise={authority} />;
// Function 处理
if (typeof authority === 'function') {
try {
const bool = authority(currentAuthority);
// 函数执行后返回值是 Promise
if (bool instanceof Promise) {
return <PromiseRender<T, K> ok={target} error={Exception} promise={bool} />;
if (bool) {
return target;
return Exception;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
throw new Error('unsupported parameters');
export { checkPermissions };
function check<T, K>(authority: IAuthorityType, target: T, Exception: K): T | K | React.ReactNode {
return checkPermissions<T, K>(authority, CURRENT, target, Exception);
export default check;
校验 authority
我们来看一下 check
- authority 路由权限字段
- target 通过路由
- Exception 未通过路由
在 check
函数中返回 checkPermissions
函数并将参数带入,同时新增一个 CURRENT
参数作为当前晕乎权限 currentAuthority
然后进入 checkPermissions
, 我们可以看到,其实整个函数就是在根据 authority
, 做组件过滤,自上而下分别做了:
- 没有判定权限.默认查看所有
- 数组处理
- string 处理
- Promise 处理
- Function 处理
每个判断中都会过滤出相应条件的组件。然后把逻辑返回到开头的 ProLayout
// path src/layouts/BasicLayout.tsx
import Authorized from '@/utils/Authorized';
const menuDataRender = (menuList: MenuDataItem[]): MenuDataItem[] => => {
console.log('menuListItem: ', item)
const localItem = { ...item, children: item.children ? menuDataRender(item.children) : [] };
console.log('localItem: ', localItem)
return Authorized.check(item.authority, localItem, null) as MenuDataItem;
// 这里将 menuDataRender 作为 props 传给 menuDataRender,就可以根据 authority 实现权限路由了
- 封图 摄于 cp26
- ant-design-pro
- Router and Nav
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